Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Thing #2

7 1/2 Habits for successful life-long learners

All 7 1/2 habits listed in this tutorial are so important to successful life-long learning. The habit that is the most difficult for me is to view problems as challenges and learning opportunities. As I reflect back on the many challenges I have encountered in my life, I am able to see how I have grown and learned from each situation. However, the hardest part is to see the learning lesson in the middle of the problem. It is a lot easier to see the negatives and to feel down during tough times, then to continue to persevere, knowing a life-lesson will be learned. I do know that life-long learners are taking risks, reaching for goals, and trying unknown tasks. With this, there are going to be mistakes and tough times. In the end I do know that every experience teaches us something and makes us stronger in the end.

One of the easier habits for is teaching/mentoring others. I love to teach others new things. It feels great to learn something new and then share it with others. There is nothing better then discovering a new invention or learning a new technology advancement. There is no better reward than being apart of an experience that helps others feel confident, excited, and happy to have learned something new.

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