Monday, August 10, 2009


Wow, I discovered so many things during this experience. I thought I was pretty technologically savvy before this class so I very surprised the amount of resources I was unaware of. Even more shocking, was the amount of these resources allready downloaded on my teacher laptop. I honestly would have a five page blog entry to discuss they many things I have learned and plan to use.
The discovery I am currently using the most is del.icious. I have downloaded the tabs on my browser and use the "tag" tool every time I come across I great website, especially good blogs during this journey. There are certain sites I use on a regular basis and the bookmarking tool will help me quickly access these during the school day and at home.
A few of the sites or discoveries I will use right away this school year are: flickr, rollyo, teachertube, and Podcasting.

How has this program assisted or affected your lifelong learning goals?
As a lifelong learner my goal is to consistantly keep myself educated and continously update my knowledge base. As technology grows at a rapid pace, education has to keep up and attempt to stay ahead of our students. This was an extraordinary experience to learn the key elements to integrate technology into classrooms. I feel confident that I can successfully use techonology on a regular basis as well use technology tools to motivate and inspire my students.

Were there any take-a-ways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you?
I was very surprised at the amount of tools I did not know about. As I progressed through the course I was teaching my friends, family members, and colleagues about the newest technologies available. I can not believe how many resources are available for free and easily at our access.

What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept?
I thought this was a very successful format. I agree with another blog I read, in that we had to sign up for alot of different websites and programs. Maybe at the beginning of the session next year, there could be a note or a note to learners that the project will include many log-in and passwords. Learners could make a word document or spreadsheet including all the information.
I know I have already forgotten so many of mine.

If we offered another discovery program like this in the future, would you choose to participate?
yes, I travel during the summer and also take graduate classes so the online flexibility was extremely helpful for me. If this was a physical class, I would not have been able to make and would have lost out on this great learning experience.

How would you describe your learning experience in ONE WORD or in ONE SENTENCE, so we could use your words to promote 23 Things learning activities?

23 Things takes teaching to the next level.

Now go and comment on some of the other Players' blogs?

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